Tomorrow marks the beginning of change in this country. The inauguration of Barack Obama evokes so many feelings in so many people. As we celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King today, I can't help but think how proud he would be to celebrate tomorrow's events.
As I watched the We are One concert in celebration of the inauguration, I was so moved by the performers and their songs. I lived through the civil rights movement of the 1960's, first as a child, then a teenager and finally as a college student when Dr. King was assassinated. I am not sure anything else shaped me so much as those events. And the music of that time still brings me to tears. An aside, weren't Bettye Lavette and Jon Bon Jovi fabulous singing Long Time Coming? If you missed it, its on youtube.
I am thrilled that this nation is finally living up to the tenets of its foundation, ...that all men are created equal and endowed by the creator with certain unalienable rights. I understand men to mean all humans, and this would have also been an historic day had Hilary Clinton won the election. The time was right for Obama, his words inspire and unite and that's what we need right now. I pray daily for his safety and for his ability to lead us out of the great economic crisis we face. The fog that was the last eight years in Washington is lifting and we can see our future. Let us all work to make it happen, to end the greed and avarice by encouraging an economy that leads all Americans to prosperity, not just the wealthy.
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