I have to say that presidential elections bring the best out in me. This one is turning out to be the most hate filled one in my lifetime. President Obama isn't even running but that doesn't stop Republicans from lying about him. The entire Republican cast of characters is loony--seriously. Every day I can place a quote on my Facebook page that is outrageous. Today, one of the best was the Ted Cruz suggestion of Phil Robertson for UN Ambassador. I can hear it now as Phil takes out his duck call before he speaks. And then there was yesterday, when he suggested as President he wouldn't coddle those soldiers with celiac disease. Did he bother to check if it was a real disease, hell no? Having resided in Texas for 26 years before recently returning to my home state of Pennsylvania, I can tell you Cruz is not who we want for President. Even his college room mate despises him. He's a Catholic who doesn't think the Pope has a right to comment on who is acting like a Christian. Seriously, if the Pope can comment then none of these candidates should be commenting either. Ted has done everything in his power to strip rights from women. I don't know about you, but I sure do not want to go backwards. Cruz is downright creepy. One of the creepiest things he's ever done is read Green Eggs and Ham during his supposed filibuster, although I don't know if that was worse than his Darth Vader imitation.
But, let's not forget the rest of the Republican presidential hopefuls. Next post I think I'll take a look at John Kasich.
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