Saturday, September 13, 2008

Power of Prayer

While waiting for the remnants of Ike to hit Dallas and waiting for my beloved Huskies to be on Internet radio, I thought I'd post to my blog. Here in Texas, many are cautiously watching as Ike's damage is revealed and of course, we are all praying for safety and limited damage for friends and family.
I'd like to ask each of you to extend your prayer to a friend of mine from high school. Patti suffers from normal pressure hydrocephalus, a condition that almost always requires the insertion of a shunt to drain off excess brain fluid. Patti is in the process now of finding a surgeon and course of treatment. I hope all of you will remember her in your prayers. I believe strongly in the power of collective prayer. I am praying for the successful treatment of this condition so that Patti may resume her life as a mother, grandmother, business woman and friend.

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