Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Rants and Raves

A few days ago, my husband read a post to me from Craig's List. I went into the list to reread the post a few hours later and actually sited it here on my blog. I spent a good portion of Sunday afternoon looking over the Rants and Raves section of Craig's List. Wow! I've always known that there are bigoted people in our world, but until I read some of these posts, I had no idea how bigoted or to what level the hatred reaches. From the use of gutter language to threats of death and beyond, I was truly shocked.
Being a librarian, I've always had strong feelings against censorship, but I have to wonder how sane it is to have a place where people can publicly vent their anger and vile ideas. I have no problem with people having different political viewpoints, but when they are based on lies, inuendo and unproven allegations, coupled with biased hatred, you really have a breeding ground for a troubled society. I love the Internet for its accessibility, instant access to information and informality. But I am troubled by the cloak of anonymity that allows enraged people to spew hate-laden words cascading on all of us like candy falling from a broken pinata. I don't want this to be the world in which my grandson grows up.

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