Wow! Another year passes as I drift dangerously close to the opposite shore. When I was a college student, who'd have thought that I'd be writing 2009 on my checks--when I write a check that is. Things have certainly changed in my life time. Let's make a list of things that have happened between 1950 and now--no particular order.
color television
8-track tapes--bomb
microwave ovens
video tapes and players
digital cameras and digital videos
cell phones
youtube :-)
personal computers
online banking
LCD projectors--changed the face of teaching
Activboards--also a big change
blogs, wikis, myspace, facebook--any online personal interactions
Please friends, feel free to add to my list--if you can remember that far back. I look forward to your comments.
I have one - vinyl car seats - OUCH in hot sun!
That reminds me of another--car stereos. I remember my dad's old 52 Dodge which we had for a long time--it didn't even have a radio.
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