Sunday, August 10, 2008

Early Rising

It's about 7 AM on a Sunday morning. I've been up for about an hour. Nothing really too new for me, I've always been an early riser. I do admit to learning to sleep in a little on weekends as I grow older, but since surgery 6-7 hours is about all I can spend in the bed. I am not a back sleeper, and it's still a little hard for me to sleep on my side.

I've always been convinced that early morning is the best time of the day. Around here it is quiet. My step-son, Ian is an early riser too, but his goal is always to find out who is awake and who will fill him with cereal. Ian is about to turn 24, but with the mental age of about a three year old. His needs are basic and he really lives by his biological clock. When it gets dark, he sleeps and when the sun rises, he is up too. Give him a bowl of cheerios or rice chex and he is content.

Sunday morning is always my time to catch up on the news, explore the Internet, looking for genealogical connections or interesting blogs that discuss my two favorite things, genealogy or library service for kids. It is also a great time for writing. This is why I love blogs. This past year, I used them with fourth and fifth grade students--and they loved them. Given the opportunity to write "publicly" kids shine. They eat up the comments from other students and often interact with each other's writing. It's a great way to extend Writer's Notebook. One of last year's students actually writes a serial novel in her blog! Now there's an idea, Gayle, if you never get published you could just put your novel right here on the pages of your blog.

One of the interesting things I learned this morning on the Internet is that we DON'T really swallow spiders in our sleep. I can't tell you how relieved I am to learn that fact. Spiders scare me! I am happy to know that I scare them too and wandering near nostrils or a mouth where carbon dioxide is escaping is not one of their favorite things to do! Yeah!! Maybe that will help me sleep later tomorrow.

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